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Does Jesus do evil?

Writer's picture: True WorshipTrue Worship
Does Jesus do evil? Or the One Who permits evil? What is the cause of evil events like natural disasters and pestilence on earth?

Nothing happens on this earth without the will of our God or His ordinance. The events which take place on Earth cannot be categorized as natural disasters or man-made disasters.

I will explain this based on what I was taught by The Spirit of The Lord. Be patient and read this completely.

The Lord God created the earth, made all the good things necessary for man to live, and then created man. He placed before man, the fruit of the tree of life and the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Why did He place it like that? Because He had created man in His Image. Just as how God does whatever He is willing, likewise He gave man the authority to do whatever he wills. He furthermore warned of the death that will come when man misuses the self-will given to him.

This was the ordinance God established at the time of man's creation, it continues to this day. When man chose what was good according to God's counsel, everything was good for him but when he heeded to the counsel of the enemy and disobeyed God's command by choosing evil, then the fruit of his action was manifested in his life and on this earth.

When the Lord made a temporary purification through Moses to purify man, He also gave commandments for the good of man's life. Behold, I place a blessing and a curse before you, if you do according to My commandments… the blessings mentioned in My Words will come upon you and if you betray by disobeying My commandments, the curses mentioned in My Words will come upon you…This way He warned the people through Moses.

Godly men like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, and Caleb inherited the land flowing with milk and honey and all the blessings as mentioned in God's Word because they were true to God’s commandments.

But when His people betrayed Him by not heeding His commandments… curse, sword, pestilence, famine, and destruction came according to The Word of The Lord.

Just as The Lord commanded Moses, when Joshua inherited the land of Canaan, he made two mountains which were side by side in the land for one to be a blessing and the other to be a curse (Deuteronomy 11:29). Here a question may arise as why a mountain was placed as a curse in a land that was given as a blessing. It is about The Lord Jesus Christ. I will also explain that.

God had sent Lord Jesus Christ into this world to deliver man from sin and permanently purify him.

But when Jesus was born, The Word of The Lord prophesied about Jesus through a man of God named Simeon, “Then Simeon blessed them, and said to Mary His mother, “Behold, This Child is destined for the fall and rising of many in Israel, and for a sign which will be spoken against, that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.” (Luke 2:34,35).

Behold, I lay in Zion a stumbling stone and rock of offense,
And whoever believes in Him will not be put to shame. Romans 9:33.

According to The Scriptures, we know that Jesus is The Eternal Rock.

Jesus said to those who believed in Him, “If you love Me, keep My commandments”. What does this imply? The one who believes in Jesus will live and the one who does not believe in Him and disobeys His commandments will stumble and fall off the cliff according to The Scriptures. What will happen when one stumbles and falls off a cliff? I leave that to your discussion.

This is the ordinance of God. Destruction came to the Israelites when they rejected Jesus, and when the Gentiles accepted Jesus they received life on this earth.

When Jesus lived in this world, He spoke clearly to those who questioned him.

This is what Jesus said to those who think “ This is man-made destruction ”...👇
Luke 13
1: There were present at that season some who told Him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices.
2: And Jesus answered and said to them, “Do you suppose that these Galileans were worse sinners than all other Galileans because they suffered such things?
3: I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish.
This is what Jesus said to those who say, “It happened naturally.”
4: Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them, do you think that they were worse sinners than all other men who dwelt in Jerusalem?
5: I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish.”

One thing is said in common in both these parts. Whether it is natural or man-made destruction… if you do not repent, you will all perish is what Jesus said. What can one come to know by this? When man fears God and lives pleasing to Him, he fully enjoys the blessing and protection ordained by God.

But when man rebels against God, he suffers God-ordained curses and destruction because of his disobedience.

What evil does God intend to man? Or does God do evil? No, He is not a doer of evil nor is His intention to do evil. Then why is this happening? Because this is The ordinance of God. This earth and all that is in it were created by Him. How can He do evil to man? Therefore we cannot question Him.

We must never forget that as much as God is loving, He is also righteous. God has taught man what is good and bad. He did this out of love for us. But when we violate even this… everything happens just according to His ordinance because He is righteous.

All authorities and governments on earth operate on this basis. When we please God by walking in His Truth, God establishes good people in government. But when people reject God and disobey the Truth, He puts the wicked in power.

Our God is The One Who turns evil into good. The Lord uses this to make people realize His awesomeness and might, and to also make them realize how evil the enemy is. Through this many people have turned their hearts to God.

Therefore, everything that happens in the life of every human being, on this earth and in heaven is according to the ordinance established by God.

It can be argued that God's will is different from God's ordinance. God's will is that "No one should perish". That is why even though humans have rebelled and betrayed God so much, God still being gracious continues to give chances to everyone. And so He warns, rebukes, and chastises through His prophets. It is the mercy and grace of this God that has made this message known to you through The Holy Spirit.

But when man violates God's will through his self-will… as per the ordinance of God things are happening right now in the nations.

Whereas even this basic Truth is not known to many people, why?

According to the Scriptures, the god of this world (the devil) has blinded the eyes of their minds lest they come to know the Truth...the enemy has blinded the eyes of many minds. This is how Adam and Eve were blinded by the enemy. Yes, from that time until now, the enemy has been deceiving people through the Truth. As in, he has been deceiving everyone by making them understand the Truth incorrectly or make them ignorant of it.

Therefore, we cannot question if such destructions or pestilences are "God allowed? Or God caused?" This is the ordinance of God.

So understand the Words of This True Lord, humble yourselves before The Lord, and confess to God the sins you have spoken against God due to your ignorance or the devil's deception, return to The Lord and He will return to you.

He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says.
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